So how y’all doing?

Feels like the past few blog posts have been me, me, me… which they usually are since this represents my lil’ corner of the website. We had a near miss recently where we were going to go out to dinner for Dawn’s birthday and pushed it back a day due to reservation issues, then on the day of my dad called up and said he was feeling sick so probably shouldn’t go. We dropped one of our COVID test kits off on his porch that night and lo and behold he tested positive, which sent the family into panic mode all over again and I was playing operator for the concerned texts and phone calls. At this time he seems to be over the worst of it and getting better, hopefully with no long-term complications in his future. As far as I know he was masking up and taking precautions but he likes to run his errands in person and made some trips to the grocery store and post office and such a few days before his symptoms.

So anyhow that’s about my dad, right, not me per se? But it shows how raw everyone in my family still is. Not a good time to go AWOL, for sure. When my uncle didn’t show up for a scheduled zoom call the troops were dispatched to get eyes on and make sure he was okay. Both these gents are getting close to 80 years old but they’re still up and about and very independent-minded, which makes for an interesting balance for me of wanting to give them space but also needing to make sure we’re not out of touch for too long since they’re now living alone.

But yeah, some of you have already been responding occasionally with your own “status reports” and sometimes it’s just therapeutic to share, so, how’s 2022 treating y’all so far?

5 thoughts on “So how y’all doing?

  1. Ok so far. We attended Christmas Eve service at church, unmasked for the first time, cuz we are just sick of it. One of us got covid. Had a fever and fatigue for a day and a half. Others did not get sick, including one un-vaxed family member. But we went into different restrooms inside, so who knows.

    Happy to see the comics back, but take care of each other, as you are doing.

  2. Vax and boost and survive!!!!

  3. Hanging in there so far in 2022. Worst thing to happen was a nasty stomach virus that wiped out me and my two sons for about 3 days. Ex got her booster and was sick 2 days with side effects. I got the Vax but think i will skip booster for now. Still working from home 100% of the time. Trying out Conan Exiles currently as far as gaming. The twist I’ve seen so far in this sandbox survival/builder is you can gather “thralls” (slave npc’s) who you can put to work for you. I also like the pet system. For 15.00 for the base game it’s not a bad bit of escapism and entertainment so far.

  4. One of the blessings of my dad now in an Assisted Living home is that he’s got medical care when he needs it and they’re really good about vaccines and quarantines and such. The home has had small flareups but always contained. At home I’m getting to see the cost savings of some DIY work play out. We’re doing a studio renovation and the contractor wanted to charge $3500 for a new plain flat steel exterior door. We put in a nicer door with a window and storm door ourselves for $750. Three hours and definitely worth the beer. Be well out there strangers. Good to see you update when you can.

  5. well crap onna stick. Hope it clears up. This is getting like the dang flu…except way deadlier.

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