110 – Staring Is Caring

11 thoughts on “110 – Staring Is Caring

  1. I’m all for turning Muriel and her band of merry men into zombies.. who’s with me? I mean what do they honestly plan on doing with Zeke the zombie?? He just wants your brains..

  2. If he goes with his family, he’ll starve then…

  3. I noticed on the previous strip and wasn’t sure, but it’s here on this one as well so I have to ask: Is Suzie wearing a high leg thong? Echo looks great, and maybe it’s Suzie’s thong making me think this, but the picture looks like it may have come from a photoshoot of a more “adult” nature if you get my meaning.

    1. Suzie is wearing a sort of high string bikini, possibly a thong. I drew it in the original concept basically because I wanted to fill the void of the area visually. And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 😛

      I did use a reference image for Echo and some of the others in the in the Avengers Upper Deck collection. They weren’t from any sort of “adult” magazine or anything, it’s just impossible to find a women doing a pose that isn’t sexy. Because of this, I have a friend helping me do unsexy female poses for the next comic. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a photo of a woman simply sitting normally in a chair without her legs crossed or her toes pointed in some way. 😛

  4. I’ll let the artist comment on Suzie’s attire if she wishes, but I’m pretty sure Muriel’s wearing one. I mean, I haven’t seen any visible panty lines on her…

    1. Thanks Clint…now I’m haunted by the image of Muriel thong.

      1. My work here is done.

  5. Love that last line 🙂

  6. I re-read what I wrote and realize my wording sucked. What I had meant was it looked like Echo herself had been in an “adult” photoshoot, not that the reference material was from one.

  7. Echo does look great, whoever she is. But ‘sexy’? Commence justification of ‘sexy’ pose: Isn’t she just removing her hair with her left hand so that she can examine the damage to her neck with her right hand? While glaring aggressively at the person who’s going to be paying for that damage? 😉

    And don’t worry, boys! If you die, Muriel and Eustace can make more! 😀

    @yornma: Didn’t Muriel get to see and hear Zeke beg the others to kill him in a way that would prevent him from turning into a zombie? I imagine that they’ll simply put Zeke down once and for all if they get hold of him.

  8. Zeke just didn’t want to die (still din’t know why they slit his throat, I guess zombie lungs+hart goes for too much cash to damage with a bullet wound)
    Muriel warned her other boy not to..er.. damage him so it sounds like she wants to take him home… scary lady.

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