17 – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Before we started Zombie Ranch and I was still talking about the story with the writer, and me knowing a bit about farms, talked about how would you feed the zombies. I think the conversation went something like this.
Clint: "Zombies wouldn't eat other zombies." Dawn: "Why not? Ground up bits of cows have been fed to cows by mixing it with the feed." Clint: "But they have to hide that it's cow meat in the feed." Dawn: "Not really, once as a kid I fed a cow a hamburger." Clint: "..." Dawn: "What?" Clint: "Why did you do that?!" Dawn: "Me and some friends were bored and wanted to see if it would eat the hamburger. There wasn't much else to do." Clint: "..." Dawn: "What?"
In other news, we're getting ready for the one day Long Beach Comic Expo on February 20th. Currently trying to see about making a banner stand to have at my table. Sadly we won't have a first issue for sale just yet, but I'll be there with my art and we might try to make some Zombie Ranch SWAG again. They sort of sprung the invite on me pretty quickly and with me having to send payments to be in the San Diego Comic Con Art Show, it really depends on the budget. To find out more about the Long Beach Comic Con on February 20th or how to buy tickets, go to http://www.longbeachcomiccon.com/comic-expo-2010.php. And when I know where my table will be, I'll be sure to let you all know.

3 thoughts on “17 – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  1. “mad zombie”?

    isnt that like an oxymoron?


  2. Probably more of a redundancy, but either way Chuck ain’t too worried 🙂

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